Hubertus Koch

Hubertus Koch /

Dr. Hubertus Koch was born in the former GDR and spent his childhood there, until the 1970s, when the family was forced to leave for political reasons. For that reason, he is familiar with the dynamics between East and West. After graduating, he became a specialist for mouth-, jaw- and facial surgery and specialized in early infantile surgery of facial deformities. He has been the director of the center for lip-, jaw-, palate- and nose deformities at DRK children’s hospital for about 15 years. The center has a great reputation all over Germany. Another, not job-related, interest of his is art. This curiosity has been developing since childhood, since he grew up in an art-affiliated environment. Apart form the classics of Im- and Expressionism, he favors artists of the Zero movement and selected contemporary positions. Supporting the local art scene is important to him. He has been a member of the museum’s circle of friends for many years.